- 传统的李斯特林并不爽口,是火烧火燎的味道:那种火辣辣的感觉不是热度错觉,而是抗菌溶液杀灭细菌时对敏感的口腔组织带来的轻微刺激。
- Classic listerine doesn 't cool , it burns : that fiery sensation is not a thermal illusion but a mild irritation of the sensitive mouth tissues as the antiseptic solution goes about its germ-killing business .
- 树木产生的树脂含有防腐效果,使树木免受真菌和细菌的侵害,这个特征也有助于保存在柔软的树脂变硬之前困于其中的昆虫和小动物。
- The resin produced by the trees has antiseptic properties to protect the plant against attack from fungi and bacteria , a feature which also helps to preserve any insects or small animals that become trapped in the soft resin before it solidifies .
- 罪行:李斯特是外科防腐技术的先驱,因此他要对普遍的公众意识负责,包括细菌导致人类生病以及污垢和不洁的危害。
- Offence : lister was the main pioneer of antiseptic surgery , and therefore responsible for the general public awareness that germs and bacteria cause ill health in humans and the dangers of dirt and uncleanliness .
- 也可用作防腐剂对吧?
- It 's also a preservative , right ?