- 这些事既然是驳不倒的,你们就应当平心静气,不可轻举妄动。
- These things , then , not being to be gainsaid , it is necessary for you to be quiet , and to do nothing rashly .
- 依照他的解说,《马可福音》的基本点事关隐秘性:耶稣反复告诫众人不要声张他行的奇事,而且只吐露给门徒们的小圈子。
- Mark 's essential point , he explains , is about secrecy : jesus keeps telling people to be quiet about his miracles , and confides only to an inner circle of disciples .
- 他试图发言,但主席让他不要讲话。
- He essayed to speak but was told to be quiet .