- 在到达这个门槛之前,价格就已经开始下降了。
- Prices have already dipped beneath that threshold .
- 这意味着观察到的阈值率跟一种流行病的基本传染数(见注释1)不同。
- This means the observed threshold rate is unlike an infectious disease 's basic reproduction number .
- 需要记住的是当你的收入达到某个阈值时,你无论如何也需要注册增值税。
- Remember that as your revenue hits a certain threshold , you 'll be required to register for vat anyway .
- 服装行业似乎没有什么门槛。
- It seems there is no doorsill in the clothing sector .
- 这个行业门槛太低了,什么人都能做,自然就会复杂。
- This industry doorsill is too low , what person can be done , meet naturally complex .
- 但是,因为进入的门槛较低,人人皆可为之,以致于这一行业竞争得很激烈。
- But the threshold or doorsill seems so low that anyone may enter the marketplace so that the competition is fierce .
- 当失业者们达到某些门槛后就能扩大失业保险受益范围,但是这些门槛实在太高以至于他们几乎从来没有触及过。
- Extended benefits kick in automatically when unemployment reaches certain thresholds , but those thresholds are so high that they are almost never triggered .
- 解决办法之一便是设立全国性的门槛,党员数低于此的政党将没有资格获得议会席位。
- One solution would be to introduce national thresholds below which parties would be ineligible for seats in parliament .
- 因此,不能让门槛决定政策,而需要对经济动态进行权威分析。
- So thresholds cannot determine policy . Rather , there is a need for authoritative analysis of economic developments .