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n.门槛( threshold的名词复数 );[物理学]临界值;[英国英语]级限协定;[航空学]跑道入口

thresholds 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Extended benefits kick in automatically when unemployment reaches certain thresholds , but those thresholds are so high that they are almost never triggered .
One solution would be to introduce national thresholds below which parties would be ineligible for seats in parliament .
So thresholds cannot determine policy . Rather , there is a need for authoritative analysis of economic developments .
The charity is dismayed by the ruling on age thresholds , arguing that at 21 women are much likelier to resist a forced marriage .
Fiscal discipline was supposed to come from budget-deficit limits in the stability and growth pact , but this buckled early on when germany and france breached the thresholds but wriggled out of sanctions .
Companies complain that the turnover thresholds in china and india will trap many transactions that have little or no implications for local competition or consumers .
While there are strategies to soften the impact of this ( such as by lowering the voting thresholds ) , the fact remains that a vc will want to call the shots on these matters .
Drinking water standards have far higher thresholds for known carcinogens , however : the federal standard for arsenic , for instance , is set at 10 parts per billion .
The rationing thresholds of local councils now mean that a child or family has to be in serious trouble and beyond a time of severe crisis before any attention is given , and then any help is often limited and may be only temporary .
Still , ms. gillard 's deal with the mining companies was a major step back on policy , as it replaces plans for a super-profits tax on resources with a narrower rent tax on minerals , with new thresholds .