- 那么为何要读这种东西?
- Why then read the thing ?
- 重新读最后一个句子一遍.
- Read that last sentence again .
- 多看电影,多读书。
- Watch movies and read books .
- 让我们回顾一下事实。
- Let us review the facts .
- 回顾以前课上记录的笔记。
- Review your notes from the previous class .
- 这就得回顾一下过去的这一年了。
- It is up for review this year .
- 但这样说经常抹不过去,他说。
- That often does not go over well he added .
- 我们现在能做的所有的事,就是找那些有水井的邻居去讨点水喝。
- Now all we can do is go over to a neighbour who has a borehole .
- 我知道对于特别狂热的onedirection粉丝们将不会过得很好,但感觉还是有必要说。
- I know this won 't go over well with the particularly fervent one direction fans out there but it feels necessary to say .
- 在你发现一个瘫痪者之前你已经检查了200个儿童。
- You had to inspect 200 children before you found one with paralysis .
- 蜘蛛大小型号的无人机能够在人质绑架事件时潜入房间进行检查。
- Drones the size of spiders could inspect houses during hostage situations .
- 他们检查了汽车玻璃的毁损情况,向陆战队员们抱怨连连。
- They inspect the damage to the car windshield , complaining to the marines .
- 在沙滩上读书,问题可不少。
- We have trouble reading at the beach .
- 而父母们阅读这些文本信息?
- And parents reading those texts ?
- 阅读和产品根本不能相提并论。
- Reading is not about product .
- 好了,或许妈妈有偏见。
- Ok so maybe my mom 's biased .
- 这些举措也许可以说服英国人,在公众场所玩游戏是可以的。
- Such thing could persuade we brits that it is ok to play in public .
- 他们找到律师,律师说,模拟窒息的感觉是可以的。
- Lawyers had been found to say it was ok to simulate suffocation .