- 阀门事实上还开着。
- The valve is actually still open .
- 它是获得官方批准的安全阀。
- It is an officially sanctioned safety valve .
- 我知道投标仅仅是对陶瓷阀门市场的一个开始。
- I know the bid is just the start of exploring ceramic valve market .
- 她生气地拧紧水龙头。
- She twisted the tap angrily .
- 缝上白色的缎带有助于表现从水龙头里流淌出来的水。
- White satin ribbons are sewn on to help express the flow of tap water .
- 水龙头里的水是最好的,因为含有有益矿物质,例如氟化物。
- Tap water is best because it contains helpful minerals like fluoride .