- 女士们透过大门向里看然后浑身颤抖。
- The women peered through the gate and trembled .
- 但是旁边的门却是开着的。
- But the gate nearby is actually unlocked .
- 一条三只腿的白狗叫着从大门边走过。
- A white dog on three legs yelps past the gate .
- 灯光频闪套件现在可以购买和。
- Groups can be purchased now and strobe light .
- 到那时为止,我已经和斯特罗布讨论了几乎25年的俄国历史和政治。
- By then strobe and I had been discussing russian history and politics for almost twenty-five years .
- 五金、白铁制品、防护栏、闸门等。
- Hardware , galvanized iron product , safeguard fence , strobe .
- 在严丝合缝的遮光板外,阳光令人眩目。
- The daylight is dazzling outside the emphatically closed window shutter .
- 采用“主动”技术的电视便宜一点,但是要求观看者佩戴一种类似百叶窗原理的眼镜。
- An ' active ' television will cost less , but will require special ' shutter ' glasses .
- 摄影提示:烟花摄影中要求较长的曝光时间意味着较慢的快门速度。
- Photo tip : the long exposures required for firework photography mean slow shutter speeds .
- 本文以详实的数据为基础,对渭河宝鸡市区段生态治理Ⅱ期工程的拦河闸工程的可行性进行评价。
- This paper based on full and accurate data is to appraise the feasibilities of the floodgate project in the stage of ecological administration on the wei river within the confines of the baoji city .
- 走出“水门”往外看水利部直属企业学习邯钢的财务管理经验。
- Walk out of " floodgate " look outside -- the financial management experience of steel of han of study of company of directly under of irrigation works ministry .
- 从几天午夜时分播出的电视辩论中,我感觉到他们打开了一道泄洪闸门,而这道门将很难关上。
- During those few days of late-night televised debates , I sensed a floodgate was being opened that would be very difficult to shut off .