- 洛佩兹(莎玛?海耶克饰)骨子里一心想嫁个富有的美国白人,从而摆脱卑微的拉丁姓氏,让自己的后代拥有走进上流社会的机会。
- Luo peici ( sha ma ? Haiyeke is acted the role of ) of one mind of in one 's heart wants to marry a rich american white man , cast off low-down latin surname thereby , the offspring that lets oneself has brownstone opportunity .
- 其中有彝,回,羌,藏,苗等少数民族。
- Among these are the yi , hui , quian , tibetan and miao people .
- 苗先生是个上海公共车司机,他这个幸运儿找到了一家治愈老年痴呆症的疗养院。
- Mr. miao , the shanghai bus driver , is among those fortunate enough to have found a nursing home that can treat dementia .
- 黑苗族男人演奏芦笙
- Black miao men playing the lusheng reed instrument
- 但是我们不应该哀悼。
- But we should not mourn .
- 然而,很难不哀悼这么多的东西将会成为这一转变的牺牲品。
- Yet it is hard not to mourn much that will fall victim to this transformation .
- 美国时代的黄昏不是一个悼念场合或者横加指责的时刻。
- The twilight of the american era is not an occasion to mourn or a time to cast blame .