- 而在两者之间的间隙看上去几乎完全是一片黑暗。
- Between the two is a gap that appears almost completely dark .
- 谁来填补这一空白?
- Who can fill the gap ?
- 而且这一差距正在增大。
- And the gap is growing .
- 我该如何阻止他们?
- How do I stop them ?
- 你得停止这样做!
- You have to stop this !
- 现在谁能阻止金正日?
- Who can stop him now ?
- 但当研究人员进行干扰时,年长的志愿者记忆就费劲了。
- But when the researchers added an interruption , the older subjects struggled .
- 保存过程中你的工作不会受到干扰,而且你也仍然可以手动保存。
- There is no interruption during this process and you can still save manually .
- 供应一旦中断石油市场到底有多易受冲击?
- How vulnerable is the oil market to an interruption in supply ?
- 现在,数据库更新大部分库存页面的间隔平均在一个月。
- Now the average update interval of most pages database is almost one month .
- 体面的经过一段间隔,他就可以重返克里姆林宫担任总统。
- After a decent interval , he could then return to the kremlin as president .
- 毫无疑问,在这项研究中存在很大的不定区间。
- Not surprisingly , there 's a huge " uncertainty interval " in the study .