- 他的表现印象深刻,我们鼓掌让他转悠到我们的餐桌。
- Impressed with his performance , we applauded making him saunter over to our table .
- 喜欢下雨的时候在家睡觉喜欢回家的时候听家人聊天喜欢一个人在陌生的城市闲逛喜欢和相爱的人彼此凝望。
- Sleep at home while liking raining listen to family chatting while liking going home like a person to saunter in strange city person liking and falling in love stares at each other .
- 你怎么老在附近转悠撞我车啊。
- Then youdo you how always saunter in neighbor hit my vehicle .
- 你喜欢s型还是m型的女孩?
- Do you prefer s - or m-sized women ?
- 索尼公司希望能够利用tablets改变人们的这种认知。
- The company is hoping the tablet s changes that perception .
- 使用s笔进行简单的书写和画图都很容易。
- Using the s pen for simple handwriting or sketching was easy .