- 沙特阿拉伯和其他大石油生产国经常责怪的价格泡沫市场,而不是闲置的油井。
- Saudi arabia and other big oil producers routinely blame the price on frothy markets , rather than idle wells .
- 我们可以很容易地进入工厂,并拍下一条生产线处于空闲时的照片。
- It 's easy to go into a factory and take a picture of a production line that 's idle .
- 空闲时间在钻探总天数中所占比例从2007年的34%降至24%。
- Idle time had fallen to 24 % of total rig days , from 34 % in 2007 .
- 在海上利用风能的优势是,它们可以占据未使用的无遮拦的空间,而且对风景的破坏比陆地上要小。
- The advantage of having them at sea is that they can occupy unused open space and ruin fewer views than on land .
- 她并没有要求归还未使用的欧盟资金,相反却允许再度使用这笔资金,支持某些方案,刺激经济增长和就业。
- She did not demand the return of unused eu money , instead allowing it to be redirected to projects to boost growth and jobs .
- whitespace是行业术语,指的是毗连电视频段的未使用的波段,它还可以为收到的杂散信号和其他干扰提供缓冲。
- White space is industry lingo for the unused airwaves that abut tv spectrum and provide a buffer from stray signals and other interference .