- 这是因为农历闰七月致使2007年的寒假来得长一点.
- This is just because there will be a longer winter vacation in 2007 caused by the intercalary lunar july .
- 我看至少是象闰年、闰月一样,三年一闯,五年再闯,一个五年计划里头至少搞两次。
- I think we should do it at least twice in the space of each five-year plan , in the same way as the intercalary month in a lunar leap year turns up once in three years and twice in five .
- 这是第一个子弹栓塞.
- This is my first bullet embolism .
- 告诉他你的病!
- Talking about your embolism !
- 肺部栓塞呢?符合咳血但是血栓又是怎么回事呢?
- What about a pulmonary embolism ? Fits coughing up blood , but a clot ?