- 在奥巴马两年浮夸的演说中,他到处许诺要清除华盛顿艰难的禁锢局面,关闭权力与金钱之间的“旋转门”,并提升伦理道德标准。
- Throughout two years of high-flown speechifying he promised to clean the augean stables of washington , close the revolving door between power and money and raise ethical standards .
- 现在关着门过日子,我说那落后的话呢。
- Now , live with close the door , I say the words behindhand .
- 克利福德表示:“我们相信,此次变化为问题的解决开启了一扇大门:未来数年的谈判价格会有着进一步的差异,以继续缩短这种差距。”
- " We believe that this change opens the door for further differences in negotiated prices to occur in future years to continue to close the gap , " mr clifford said .