- 弗朗西斯格里在最后一投指责一眼,转向到分娩室的门了。
- Gregor cast one last accusatory glance at francis and turned away towards the door to the birthing room .
- 其次,怎样让通往欧盟的大门微微的开着。
- The second problem is how to keep the door to the eu ajar .
- 我被嫉妒和愤怒冲昏了头脑,用仅有的受伤害的男人的盲目和残忍,冲进了屋子,爬上楼来到我妻子的房间。
- Crazed with jealousy and rage , blind and bestial with all the elemental passions of insulted manhood , I entered the house and sprang up the stairs to the door of my wife 's chamber .