- 虽然日本的失业率在发达国家中算最低,但许多人从事的都是些要求低下的就业岗位。
- Although unemployment levels may remain among the lowest in the rich world , many of the jobs will be lowly ones .
- 道理很简单:在其它银行,明星交易员常常与地位卑微的合规官唱反调,但在高盛,这两种角色的地位是平等的。
- The theory is simple : unlike other banks , where star traders routinely overrule lowly compliance officers , at goldman the two roles have equal status .
- 自此之后,思科很大程度上被看做地位低下的网络管道工:必不可少,但单调呆板。
- Since then it has been regarded for the most part as a lowly network plumber : necessary , but dull .