- 但公开上市公司的价值经常被错估,拖沓冗长的法律程序可能会让竞争买家丧失兴趣。
- But publicly traded companies are frequently mispriced , and all the legal rigmarole can put rival buyers off .
- 我想你不会愿意经受所有这些烦琐的手续。
- I don 't imagine you want to go through all that rigmarole .
- 也许最令人吃惊的是,开矿的手续寻求许可和遵守环境法规在英国已经不再比西澳大利亚的矿产核心地区、南非或者加拿大更加繁琐了,安格尔西矿业的老板billhooley如是说。
- Perhaps most surprisingly , the rigmarole of starting a mine-seeking permits and complying with environmental legislation-is no more onerous in britain than in the west 's mining heartlands of australia , south africa or canada , says bill hooley , boss of anglesey mining .