- 他给了老石生存的希望和珍贵的友谊(尽管还款计划的细节仍旧不明朗),老石也找到了一条重新生活下去的道路。
- He 'd given mr. shi hope and friendship ( though details of the repayment plan were murky ) , and mr. shi had found a way to begin life anew .
- 石先生于2004年年末被捕,去年四月被判十年徒刑,罪名是“用电子邮件泄露机密”。
- Mr shi was arrested in late 2004 and sentenced last april to ten years in prison on charges of revealing secrets by e-mail .
- 尽管有困难,史呼吁家长尽量保持同他们孩子的联系。
- Despite the hardships , shi urges parents to try to keep their children with them .