- 但在他漫漫人生中兴起的许多艺术运动和时尚都没有影响他创作;显然,他勇敢地坚持自己的绘画之路。
- But the numerous art movements and fashions that have arisen during his long life have not touched his work ; he carried on in his own way apparently unfazed .
- 他甚至带来了自己的太太和全家人-如今已是3个女儿了-就好像那天早晨,他叫计程车去医院拯救long的性命那天一样。
- He 's brought along his wife and family-now numbering three daughters-just like he did the morning when he had to hail a cab to get to the hospital to save long 's life .
- 尤其令人称奇的是,世界上闻名的长寿之乡不是在高寒地带,就是偏僻山区,而地处江海平原的如皋,不仅是我国沿海地带惟一的长寿之乡,也是处于工业相对发达地区的长寿之乡。
- It is extremely astonishing that the world famous long life locations are in the high cold areas and remote mountain lands , but the rugao in the jianghai plain is not only the unique long life place and but also the longevous county located in the well developed industry zone .
- 长寿是对针叶林而言。
- Longevity is for redwood trees .
- 长寿不受自我报告的歪曲。
- Longevity is not distorted by self-report .
- 投资者是否该质疑德国避风港地位的寿命?
- Should investors question the longevity of germany 's haven status ?