- 每走几步,我们就停下来看手镯。
- Every few steps we would stop and look at the bracelet .
- 当专家用塑料手镯测量孩子的时候,一些孩子已经处于危险区了。
- Some of the children appeared in the danger zone when a plastic bracelet was used for measurement .
- 如果你有一些其他的挑战目标,你可以继续坚持这种“手镯”的点子。
- If you have some other goal of challenge you can still stick to the bracelet idea .
- 撤销法案所节省下来的经费可以通过使用脚环或其他类似器械更强有力地协助监控那些惯犯。
- The money that a repeal saves could help pay for monitoring compulsive molesters more intrusively-through ankle bracelets and the like .
- 可互换的模块化意大利手链适合任何标准的意大利魅力。
- Interchangeable modular italian charm bracelets will fit any standard italian charm .
- 可后来她找到一条钻石项链还有许多胸针还有许多手镯。
- But then she found a diamond necklace -- and brooches -- and bracelets .