- 对于他们来说,纳瓦尔尼还是个具有凝聚力的、能激励人的可靠人物。
- He is also the one coherent , galvanizing , and viable figure among them .
- 带镀锌角的塑料滑轮支撑。
- Plastic pilley support with galvanized angle .
- 这次的逮捕行为被谴责违反宪法,并且激起了反对者在繁华首都马累每晚的抗议活动。
- That arrest , which was condemned as unconstitutional , galvanized nightly protests in male , the crowded capital .
- 根据客户要求,我公司可提出来供镀锌管、不锈钢管等特殊管材,请用户在选型时加以说明。
- As users require , special pipes such as galvanized pipes and stainless steel pipes are available . During selection , please specify such items .
- 灾害应该会刺激到政府并且把民众团结到基础设施重建中。
- It may galvanize the government and unify the people in rebuilding infrastructure .
- 尽管如此,相关大国一直无法激励自己采取行动。
- Still , the major countries have been unable to galvanize themselves into action .
- 安华周一在法庭上对《华尔街日报》说,这一审判将激励反对党。
- Speaking to the wall street journal at the court monday , mr. anwar said the trial will galvanize the opposition .