- 一直提醒我注意此事的人里,有澳大利亚环境事务专家保尔吉尔丁。
- One of those who has been warning me of this for a long time is paul gilding , the australian environmental business expert .
- 镀金百合将导致精神病。
- Gilding the lily leads to insanity .
- 它属于1590至1610年间打造的一小披米兰盔甲,用雕花、钻孔、镀金和大马士革制钢法代替了蚀刻装饰。
- It belongs to a small group of milanese armors made between 1590 and 1610 , in which etched decoration was abandoned in favor of engraving , punching , gilding , and damascening .
- 那些耀眼的金色白色的外层哪里去了?
- Those shiny layers of white and gold ?
- 建议你使用白色的而非金色和银色的。
- Try the white before you go to gold or silver .
- 这金色就是神,也在我心里。
- This gold color is god , also inside me .
- 恐怕戒指的镀金层不久就会磨掉。
- I 'm afraid the gilt of the ring will wear off before long .
- 但实际上,市场上出现了抛售,将英国国债收益率推高了17个基点,并使英镑汇率联袂上扬。
- But there was a sell-off , which sent gilt yields 17 basis points higher , and dragged the pound up with it .
- 莫娜的妈妈在楼上有间漂亮的卧室,有很多老照片装在镀金的相框里,但她睡在水族箱旁的客厅沙发上。
- Mona 's mom has a beautiful bedroom upstairs , with lots of old photographs in gilt frames , but she sleeps on the living-room couch beside the aquarium .