- 该党已经开始缓和它的外交政策辞令来平复美国人的担忧。
- It has already begun to temper its foreign-policy rhetoric to calm american nerves .
- 该机构的新报告暗示政府可能会缓和使用仍旧相当昂贵的海风的这种想法。
- Its new report suggests ministers may want to temper ambitions for offshore wind , which is still fairly expensive .
- 这样做可能会缓和新兴市场的忧虑,但是却冒着将全球经济再次推向萧条的风险。
- That may temper worries in the emerging world but at the risk of pushing the global economy back into recession .
- 较低的钢和混凝土结构。
- Lower steel and concrete structure .
- 多数模型是用钢制成的。
- Most models are made of steel .
- 钢铁就是一个最明显的例子。
- Steel is the clearest example .
- 蓄意的破坏和混乱不会使你变得坚强,它们也不会帮你更好的应对世界范围内的恐怖活动。
- Mayhem and chaos don 't toughen you up , and they don 't prepare you well to deal with the terror of this world .
- 它有时也在一大堆失败中惹出一些烦恼,又可以锻炼个人的坚韧性格,不为输赢所累。
- It sometimes also ask for a some annoyance in a lot of failure , can toughen personal tough and resilient personality again , don 't is a victory or defeat tired .
- 尼克松把我勒住了;他使我强化了我们的立场。
- Nixon had reined me in ; he had made me toughen our stand .