- 我躺在地上,身上沾满灰土,等着用苏格兰方式问候哪位警察的家人,这时我看到一个人因为没有照警察说的做被摔倒在地。
- I was lying there , dusting myself , ready to give the policeman a bit of my scottish abuse , when I saw a man being wrestled to the ground for not doing what he was told .
- 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)的汤姆•恩斯特说,他“看到所有细分市场和地区都出现了不同寻常的疲软状态,我们对此感到有点费解……
- Deutsche bank 's tom ernst said he " saw uncharacteristic weakness across all segments and geographies , which we find a bit puzzling ...
- 当这部迷你剧在hbo早些时候播出的时候,我都没怎么听说,但是救我而言,《太平洋战争》是2009我看到的电视剧里非常不错的一部,或许是我在无论是大荧幕还是小荧幕上看到的最好的二战连续剧。
- I didn 't hear all that much talk about the miniseries when it aired on hbo earlier this year , but for me , the pacific was the best bit of television I saw in 2009 , and is probably the best wwii series I 've ever seen on either the big or small screen .
- 此外,桨叶的平面与支柱平行。
- In addition , the plane of the blades is parallel to the pole .
- 通过利用计算流体动力学,这种设计已经成为可能完善了桨叶和船壳的形状。
- This design has been made possible using computational fluid dynamics to perfect the shapes of the blades and pods .
- 在测试特定的方案以前,nasa必须首先搜集在不同的运行条件下桨叶与空气如何相互作用的数据。
- Before specific solutions can be tested , nasa must first collect data on how the rotor blades interact with air under a variety of operating conditions .