- 鸟类有灿烂的色彩视觉,这在他们求爱的时候无妨可以用来复杂的显示他们彩色的羽毛。
- Birds have splendid colour vision , which is just as well , given the complex displays of coloured feathers when they are courting .
- 作为时代变化的一个灿烂标志,英国园艺公司汤姆森与摩根(thompsonandmorgan)现在提供不同种类的牡丹幼苗邮购业务。
- It is a splendid sign of changing times that thompson and morgan ( www.thompson-morgan . Com ) are now offering a range of mail-order young tree peonies .
- 精彩的反意词是平庸。
- Mediocre is opposite of the word splendid .
- 没有什么比婚礼更美的了。
- There is nothing more beautiful than a wedding .
- 谁是世界上最美的女人?
- Who is the world 's most beautiful woman ?
- 那是一个美丽的下午。
- That was a beautiful afternoon .
- 我们能织出世界上最漂亮的锦缎.
- We can weave the most beautiful brocade in the world .
- 量,因它差不多都是由织锦缎做成的。
- Volume , because it almost always made by the brocade .
- 您要哪种台布,亚麻的、提花涤纶还是织锦缎的。
- Which do you prefer , the linen one , the figured dacron or the brocade .