- 总之,家具的布置应该大小相衬,高低相接,错落有致。
- Anyhow , of furniture decorate should size look line , on any account is conterminous , strewn at random have send .
- 小区布局紧凑,错落有致。
- Recommend : village village layout is compact , strewn at random have send .
- 一些人仍在担心,全球失衡的消解或许是混乱的,并导致汇率的急剧波动。
- Some are still concerned that the unwinding of imbalances might be disorderly , leading to swift exchange-rate moves .
- 不久前,他在混乱无序的欧洲是位耀眼的明星。
- Not long ago , he was the belle of europe 's disorderly ball .
- 欧洲若出现混乱不堪的债务拖欠,受惊的投资者可能会突然撤回资金,从而引发新兴市场国家的货币和其它资产价格暴跌。
- A disorderly debt default in europe could prompt panicky investors to suddenly withdraw their cash , causing currencies and other assets to plunge .