- 被提出的安排是错综复杂的。
- The proposed choreography is intricate .
- 跳舞一般风笛手来伴奏,演奏着由16世纪家庭作曲的错综复杂的调门。
- Bagpipers generally accompany the dancing , playing intricate tunes composed by a single family in the 16th century .
- 多亏社交媒体,这些营销中的成分真的错综复杂又密切相关。
- Thanks to social media , elements of these campaigns can get really intricate and really involved .
- 盗贼官僚体制背后的逻辑是复杂的。
- The logic behind the kleptocratic system is complex .
- 关于薪水的争论是敏感同时复杂的。
- The arguments about pay are subtle and complex .
- 比例失衡这个问题非常复杂。
- The question is fiendishly complex .
- 没有人知道人类能否识别基于量子纠缠下的奇异的图像。
- Nobody knows whether humans can access exotic images based on quantum entanglement .
- 支持他们努力的核心根据是量子力学的叠加和缠结现象。
- At the core of their efforts lie the quantum-mechanical phenomena of superposition and entanglement .
- 而缠结则是编结粒子,以此增加丘比特数。
- Entanglement , meanwhile , is the roping together of particles in order to add more qubits .