- 他的前额锃亮,脸胖乎乎的,看上去就像个教室里的书呆子,而不是革命家。
- With his big shiny forehead and podgy face , he looked like the class swot , rather than a revolutionary .
- 她是围住陌生来访者的一群兴高采烈的女性之一,访客锃亮的皮鞋上溅满了烂泥和其它更可怕的东西。
- She is one of a group of cheerful women gathering round the strange visitor whose shiny shoes are now spattered with mud and worse .
- 你真的觉得在田里劳作的人,需要每天几个小时砍木头的人会穿着厚重的外套和擦得锃亮的鞋子吗?
- Do you really think someone would toil in the field or chop wood for hours on end dressed in a heavy coat and shiny shoes ?
- 从其本质来说,这些书信与回忆录里那些优美的散文可谓是大相径庭。
- By their nature these letters are quite different from the polished prose of the memoirs .
- 我十岁的时候,我爸给我买了一把点22口径步枪,有着胡桃木色擦亮的枪把和铮亮的钢制成的枪管。
- When I was ten my dad had bought me a 22 caliber rifle with a polished walnut handle and a barrel made from burnished steel .
- 软件或许还不够优美或完美无缺,但微软的产品有足够多的特征去满足不同人群的需求,我们大家也都接受微软的产品了。
- It may not be polished or perfect , but it 's always got enough features for enough different kinds of users that everybody adopts it .