- 那个女人慢慢把她的黑色威胁恐吓的眼睛移到我身上。她的嘴唇动了,我听到如铁的铿锵般干脆的声音。
- The woman slowly turned upon me her dark menacing eyes . Her lips moved , and I heard a ringing voice like the clang of iron .
- 铃声响起来,喧嚣声此起彼伏。
- Bells clang and the cries begin .
- 两柄剑在叮当声的回响中再次碰撞。
- The two swords clashed again with a resounding clang .
- 教师走进教室时,孩子们停止了喧哗。
- The boys stopped their clatter when the teacher came into the classroom .
- 他听到从远处某个地方传来打字机嗒嗒的打字声。
- From somewhere distant he heard the clatter of a typewriter .
- 从对面的房间传出尖锐刺耳的敲打打字机的哒哒声.
- The clatter of the typewriter rapped sharply from the opposite room .
- 家是你挂帽子的地方。
- Home is where you hang your hat .
- 我挂上电话后他说道。
- He says when I hang up .
- 将它挂在你们的客厅或者卧室里。
- Hang it in your living room or bedroom .