- 移民也帮助了思想的传播。
- Diasporas also help spread ideas .
- 但自那以后好斗情绪蔓延。
- But since then militancy has spread .
- 但是知识也是会传播的。
- But the knowledge can also spread .
- comac将很快推出其第一款78座arj21凤凰翱翔支线飞机。
- Comac will soon roll out its first regional jet the 78-seat arj21 soaring phoenix .
- 顾资表示,拟向旗下所有办事处推广这一计划。
- Coutts says it plans to roll out the scheme across all of its offices .
- 这项计划旨在将“自由市场”迅速推广到所有关键性的地区市场。
- The plan was to roll out mercadolibre quickly in all key regional markets .
- 然而,大多数大型零售银行的分散程度并不特别高。
- Most big retail banks however are not particularly spread out .
- 但是伊朗的研究地点分散开了,并且有一些加强的反攻击的防御,只有再三的打击才能摧毁。
- But iran 's sites are spread out and some of them hardened against strikes demand repeated hits .
- 展开毛巾或纸巾在一个硬的工作面上。
- Spread out the towel or paper towels on a hard work surface .