- 他还说,他觉得nhhoteles也依然爱他。
- He said the feels nh hoteles still loves him too .
- 海航上周退出了收购西班牙酒店连锁经营公司nhhoteles20%股权的交易,支付了1500万美元的“分手费”。
- Hna last week backed out of deal to take a 20 % stake in spanish hotel chain nh hoteles , paying $ 15 million breakup fee .
- 他和同事们研究了肥料中的一系列化学物质,包括硝酸盐,铵和尿素,观察他们对海藻的影响。
- So he and his colleagues tested a range of chemicals found in fertilizers , including nitrate , ammonium and urea , to determine their effects on the algae .
- 磷酸铵盐贸易是解决我们问题的唯一方法。
- The ammonium phosphate trade is the only solution to our problems .
- 被称为发酵粉的碳酸氢铵也将接受检验,因为在某些样品中发现有三聚氰胺残留。
- Ammonium bicarbonate known as baking powder will also be tested since some samples have been found to contain melamine traces .