The student conducted his charge through the ancient streets of the pays latin , and by the dusky walls of the sorbonne , to the great dingy hotel which he inhabited .
Later , in a dingy coffee shop in enghelab street , I met up with a prominent activist in the recent demonstrations .
The ft was admitted into the dingy hall , but only by the will of the meeting , not the principal .
Volunteers in mr obama 's re-election campaign will use social-media tools so that they can work conveniently from home rather than in a dingy field office .
It still has dingy corridors , ancient washrooms , rusting bunk beds ( six to a room ) , a single fluorescent bulb hanging from the ceiling and an ancient radiator in front of the window .
Their stores generally were dingy , and their shelves were filled with low-quality clothing and housewares .
They weren 't magical slippers - just dingy sneakers with dishwater-color laces .
Very often , the backlight alone won 't give you a good shot : the foreground will look dim and dingy .
Among her many tribulations is having to stay in a dingy , unsanitary flea-pit of a hotel .
In the dingy back office of a sri lankan grocery shop in harrow , north-west london , sales assistants pore over a tamil newspaper , while a customer says he is going home to follow events on the internet .