- 第二十四条牵头行经与借款人协商,向潜在参加银行发出银团贷款邀请函,并随附贷款条件清单、信息备忘录、保密承诺函、贷款承诺函等文件。
- Article 24 the lead arranger , after consultations with the borrower , will send invitations to potential participating banks , together with documents such as the syndicated loan term sheet , memorandum , confidentiality agreement and letter of commitment etc.
- 当然,就像在阿根廷时一样,本币贬值将给该国的资产负债平衡带来严重的负面影响。
- Of course , as in argentina , letting the currency depreciate would lead to massive negative balance-sheet effects .
- 实际上南部支流外流了更多格陵兰岛中心冰原的水源,所以那边的冰川消退会导致更大规模的冰流量。
- The southern tributary actually drains a larger portion of greenland 's central ice sheet , so a retreat there could lead to a more substantial ice discharge .
- 在此情形之下,原有的刻板印象将较不容易被新的不一致资讯改变。
- As a result , the stereotype will not changed by the incongruent information under the comparative contextual condition .
- 但在这种情况下这是一条单行道:虽然大多数美国人不骑自行车骑自行车的人对汽车司机也没什么刻板印象,因为他们大多数也开车。
- But in this case it 's a one-way street : though most americans don 't ride bikes bikers are less likely to stereotype drivers because most of us also drive .
- 最近的一项研究建议,我们应抵制那种认为我们将逐渐丧失记忆力的年龄成见。
- A recent study suggests we should resist the age stereotype that assumes we are going to lose our memories .