- 你是否有一个硬币?
- Do you have a coin ?
- 时间就像你生活中的硬币。
- Time is the coin of your life .
- 两人可以通过掷硬币的方式来决定谁先发言。
- They may flip a coin to see who speaks first .
- 但问题不仅仅在于钱。
- But it is more than just money .
- 所有法定货币的长期价值都是零。
- The long-run value of all fiat money is zero .
- 金钱并不是我前进的动力。”
- Money is not a motivator for me . "
- 国际制裁已经影响了其他硬通货的来源。
- International sanctions have hit other sources of hard currency .
- 不过关注度既不是通货也不是商品。
- But attention is neither a currency nor a commodity .
- 这个世界上最贫穷落后的地区为什么要囤积硬通货?
- Why is the world 's poorest region stocking up on hard currency ?
- 德蒙尼基斯家上诉到高等法院且败诉。
- The de menezes family appealed to the high court and lost .
- 今天,对主要出版商而言,它的必备功课是出版精装书和平装书。
- Today it 's de rigueur for major publishers to print both hardcover and paperback books .
- 法律上,我们也在货币方面做了更多工作。
- And de jure , we have done more on the monetary side .