- 大概是大象的鼻子在他身边游走时,他将枪口对准了太阳穴,拉动了扳机。
- Probably the elephant 's trunk was going around him when he put the muzzle to his temple and pulled the trigger .
- 甚至连琼这个曾在奈瓦沙湖湖畔庇护所与偷猎者负隅顽抗的女人,最终在卧室里面被射杀,对方的自动式武器在离窗口非常近的地方开火,枪口的火苗引燃了窗户的窗帘……
- Even joan , who fought poachers at her lakeside sanctuary at naivasha , was in the end gunned down in her bedroom , the automatic weapon fired from so close to the window that the muzzle blast set fire to the curtains .
- 子弹的射出枪口的速度是每秒210米,这即是计算的初始值。
- The rifle 's muzzle velocity is 210 metres a second , which is the starting point for the calculation .
- 就像魔术师把什么东西用一口气吹走了一样。
- It 's like that magician thing of giving the gag away .
- 在相比之下,订单的gag重视的大陪审团传票已届满日期。
- In contrast , gag orders attached to grand jury subpoenas have expiration dates .
- 让我们把他塞住嘴巴。
- Let 's just gag him and handcuff him .
- 抗逆转录病毒药物可以抑制艾滋病毒。
- Antiretroviral drugs suppress the virus .
- 这一切都是试图压制强大市场力量的不可避免的后果。
- All this is the inevitable consequence of efforts to suppress powerful market forces .
- 不要压制愤怒,而是把愤怒的情绪巧妙地转移。
- Don 't suppress anger , but to subtly shift the angry mood .