- 我们需要将这种赎金变为诱饵。
- We need to turn it into bait .
- 她承诺阿拉伯世界,美国将更努力支持创建巴勒斯坦国,以此为饵。
- Her bait is a promise to the arab world that she will put more american muscle behind the creation of a palestinian state .
- 我们还驶过两条腹部朝天的死鲸鱼,有人提议把它们拖到斯瓦尔巴群岛上去当熊饵。
- We also pass two dead whales , belly up on the surface , prompting an irreverent suggestion that we tow them to svalbard to use as bear bait .
- 跳着吉格舞直到我残废。
- Dancing jigs until I 'm crippled .
- 另一个优点是采用钻模时不需要熟练工人。
- Another advantage is that skilled workers are not required when jigs are used .
- 为新项目建立和安装喷射夹及其相关程序,并兼顾费用和效率。
- Create and install spray jigs and programs for new project requirements taking into consideration costs and efficiency .