- 之后还会有公路和铁路。
- Road and rail will follow .
- 中蒙之间有良好的现成铁路线。
- They even have good rail links in place .
- 而一次大规模的铁路工人罢工会更严重。
- A full-blown rail strike would be much worse .
- 他回忆说,当他学会了骑自行车,能像模像样在铁路旁骑行时,生活好了许多。
- Life improved greatly , he recalls , when he learnt to ride a bike and could go properly off the rails .
- 预期不单铁路和公路将会人满为患。
- It wasn 't just the rails and roads that were expected to be crowded .
- 道路将需要更少的路标、信号灯、扶手和其他专为人类司机设计的特性;而它们的制造商也将失去生意。
- Roads will need fewer signs , signals , guard rails and other features designed for the human driver ; their makers will lose business too .