- 弗拉格勒海滩在代托纳海滩和佛罗里达东海岸的圣奥古斯汀之间,是拥有美丽海滩、木板路和钓鱼码头的海滨小社区。
- Flagler beach , between daytona beach and st. augustine on florida 's east coast , is a small seaside community with beautiful beaches , a boardwalk , and fishing pier .
- 也有一个用来钓鱼的露天码头。
- There was also an open pier for fishing .
- 如果学生们对钓鱼有兴趣,那么在学校学习鱼的解剖之前,他们所在的班级可能会先到一个码头以及唐人街的鱼市走一圈。
- If students are interested in fishing , the class might travel to a pier and a fish market in chinatown before dissecting a fish back at the school .