- 明年春季游艺会里演剧,他担任《宝岛》里的李医生这个脚色,还是英国教员指定他扮演的。
- The only reason he was going to play dr. liversey in the school dramatization of treasure island during the coming spring festival was because his english teacher had chosen , him for the role .
- 像《吉他英雄》(GuitarHero)这类视频游戏也用到了MIDI技术,而拉斯维加斯的百乐宫喷泉(BellagioFountain)和《金银岛海盗》表演(TreasureIslandPirate)也不例外。
- Video games like guitar hero boast midi technology , as do the bellagio fountainand treasure island pirate shows on the las vegas strip .