- 2003年,泰国一位女演员说的话被误引,称吴哥窟这座出现在柬埔寨国旗上的古寺属于泰国,随后柬首都金边爆发了反泰骚乱。
- In 2003 anti-thai riots erupted in phnom penh after a thai actress was misquoted as saying that angkor wat , which appears on the cambodian flag , belonged to thailand .
- 柬埔寨自1999年加入东盟以来,首都金边已由从前古朴的穷乡僻壤变成了一个繁华的城市。
- Since cambodia joined asean in 1999 , phnom penh has grown from a quaint backwater into a bustling city .
- 此前他从6月13日起被柬埔寨当局拘押在金边。
- He had been detained in phnom penh by cambodian authorities since june 13 .