- 珠峰附近的村庄是尼泊尔最富裕的村庄,别处罕见的金牙齿在那里十分时髦。
- Villages near the mountain are nepal 's richest . Rare elsewhere , gold teeth are in vogue .
- 他虽是近五十岁的干瘪男人,卓有天真妩媚小姑娘的风致,他的笑容比他的腰要年轻足足三十年,口内两只金牙使他的笑容尤其辉煌耀目。
- He was a wizened mail of nearly fifty , who had the sweet innocent air of a young girl . His smile was a good thirty years younger than his face and was made especially bright and dazzling by two gold front teeth .
- 如果历史重演,这将让黄金看涨者“哀哭切齿”,就像故事中的第三个仆人那样。
- A repeat would reduce gold bulls , like the third servant , to " weeping and gnashing of teeth " .
- 氟中毒会导致牙齿变色或表面缺陷。
- Fluorosis can cause tooth discoloration or surface irregularities .
- 那颗牙齿来自一个属planohybodus物种的鲨鱼。
- The tooth belongs to a species called planohybodus .
- 一个有效率的破产程序是红牙红爪资本主义的重要组成部分。
- An efficient bankruptcy process is an essential part of capitalism red in tooth and claw .