- 具有强大直觉的巫师是很有价值的,因为他们的建议依赖于一种别人没有的超感观的洞察力。
- Psychics who possess strong intuition are quite valuable because their advice relies on an extrasensory insight that others do not have .
- 你们给了我许多有价值的建议,并且交了两个新朋友:glen和carl,他们帮助我做了许多车辆改装升级的工作-谢谢伙计们。
- You all have given me much valuable advice , and two new friends I made , glen and carl , have done a lot to help me get the bike properly upgraded - thanks guys .
- 经济政策应建议我们从真实的模式中提取东西,这会比从信息周全、全理性、真诚的行为的模式下提取的东西更有价值。
- Economic policy advice extracted from realistic models is likely to be far more valuable than advice divined from elegant but panglossian models of perfect information , unbounded rationality , and truthful behavior .