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liquefaction 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Big lng projects need customers in order to secure finance for building the liquefaction and regas terminals and the specialist tankers that shuttle between them .
Ordos will lead the way , but it remains to be seen whether its scientists will be as successful with carbon storage as they have been with coal liquefaction .
Gdf suez , which is developing a natural gas liquefaction project in cameroon , expressed its concern and said it was working closely with the french foreign ministry .
This creates a transport conundrum , as the gas would need to be distributed via pipelines or complex and costly liquefaction plants , neither of which would be straightforward to build .
Yet the soft alluvial sediment of tokyo 's low-lying areas , it is now understood , is vulnerable to liquefaction , in which violent movement turns the soil to quicksand .
" De-bottlenecking " of lng liquefaction plants-upgrading or replacing bits of equipment over time-will also add to gas supplies .
Soil liquefaction is the process by which the strength or stiffness of soil is weakened by an event like the shaking of an earthquake . The soil begins to move like liquid .
The tsunami also submerged the runway at sendai airport , while a process known as liquefaction , caused by the intense shaking of the tremor , turned parts of the ground to liquid .
At that level , say analysts , lng could be imported from the us to japan at about $ 9 per mbtu , including liquefaction , transport and insurance costs .
The company has agreed to sell american gas to a number of shippers , including bg group and fenosa , at henry hub prices with a 15 % mark-up and liquefaction fees of $ 2.15 mbtu .