- 印度河中的微绿色可能是由于洪水所携带的杂质产生的,河中的红色斑点暗示了洪水的范围:这些被高涨的印度河洪水所淹没的地区,原本都是农田。
- The greenish hue of the indus river likely results from the flooded river 's heavy sediment load . Patches of red in the river hint at the scale of flooding ; these areas are farmland submerged by the swollen indus .
- 因为经常坐在电脑前工作,我们肩胛附近的肌肉已经损伤。
- Due to heavy work load in front of the computer , I 've hurt a muscle near the scapula .
- 一名矿工挑着沉重的硫磺担子启程返回。
- 16a Miner begins his return trip with his heavy load of sulfur .
- 然后让我的手感到沉重。
- Feel my hands get heavy .
- 重型汽车经过这座桥会很危险。
- This bridge was dangerous for heavy cars .
- 该国曾经尽力建造重型坦克和轻型战斗机。
- It struggled to make heavy tanks and light combat aircraft .
- 但wilson仍警告发货人不要对协商更好的运费抱过分乐观态度。
- But wilson warns that shippers should not get too comfortable with these bargain freight rates .
- 因为世界上的工厂大多是在其它地方,所以美国棉花产业面临着运费沉重的问题。
- As most of the world 's mills are elsewhere , american cotton faces heavy freight charges .
- tmt异常严重地参与了远期运费协议(ffa)市场,以调整未来的货运成本。
- Tmt is unusually heavily involved in the paper forward freight agreement ( ffa ) market for future freight costs .
- 你家里有过载的电线的一个主要预兆就是,当你打开某个电灯,或者一个特定的电源插座的时候,家里的保险丝断掉;这时候你应该立即联系电工,以避免火险。
- A primary sign that you are overloading wires is your continuously blow a fuse when turning on a particular light or using a certain electrical outlet . An electrician should be called immediately to avoid a fire hazard .
- 随着今年即将结束,这里已经没有时间使信息过载停下来。
- As the year comes to a close , there 's no time like the present to make the overloading stop .
- 吉尔丁说:“这就痛苦的毁灭的过程体系,我们过载的、恐慌的地球正在生生的吞食着自己。”
- " It 's the system in the painful process of breaking down , " says guilding . " Our overloading panicked earth is eating itself alive . "
- 理论上,美国国会可以修订国内贸易法律,从而轻易推翻联邦法院的裁决。
- In theory congress could easily override the federal court 's ruling by changing domestic trade law .
- 如果该选项使用过两次,则第二次将覆盖上一次的使用。
- If this option is used twice , the second will override the previous use .
- 如果这个元素原来包含子元素,那么这些子元素会覆盖绑定项嵌入的元素。
- If you place child elements inside the xul , they will override the elements provided by the binding .