- 6月来自联合国的监察小组发现一支反海盗的私人武装其最精良的部队竟然在索马里;这支部队早先就已经接受了前黑水老板埃里克普林斯的帮助。
- In june a un monitoring group found a private anti-piracy unit in somalia to be among the best-equipped forces in the region ; it had been started with the help of erik prince , the former boss of blackwater .
- tomatofest创始人garyibsen在新闻发布会上说到:“黑色”西红柿由于深受种植者和厨师的欢迎得以在名单上排列前茅并继续成为市场上的畅销产品.
- " Black " tomatoes are high on the list again this year because they are popular among growers and chefs and continue to be best-sellers at product markets , said tomatofest founder gary ibsen in a press release .
- 毫无疑问,当地苹果商店、百思买、无线电器材公司、沃尔玛还有其它销售点的门口,将会排满焦急不已的粉丝,他们都想在第一时间把这划时代的新平板电脑拿到手。
- Hordes of eager fans will doubtless queue all night outside their local apple store , best buy , radio shack , walmart and other outlets to be among the first to lay their hands on the latest and greatest version of the iconoclastic tablet computer .