- 随着这震耳欲聋的爆炸声逐渐平息,我试图恢复镇静;当孩子凝视你时你会想要表现的坦然一些。
- As the deafening explosions subsided I tried to regain some composure ; you want to be stoic when the children catch your gaze .
- 而如果这种情况发生在美国失业率不断上升之际(这似乎很有可能),这种声音会达到震耳欲聋的程度。
- And they might reach a deafening pitch if , as seems very likely , it happens at a time of rising us unemployment .
- 震耳欲聋的机器声从开敞的门处传来,一台设计巧妙的传送带和旋转器将腰果按大小分类并将他们输送至麻袋。
- A deafening rattle comes from the machine by the open door , a green contraption of conveyors and rotating metal drums that sorts cashews by size and drops them into sacks .