- 这是对以色列社会及其领导人发出的紧急呼吁,请他们清醒过来重新检视我们行动的后果。
- This is an urgent call to israeli society and its leaders to sober up and investigate anew the results of our actions .
- 某官员透露,一些歹徒被捕时处于醉酒或服毒后的迷幻状态,不得不对他们进行24小时隔离复苏。
- Arrested gunmen are sometimes so drunk or stoned that they have to be left for 24 hours to sober up , one official says .
- 饮用前需提前开瓶并放在醒酒器中醒酒至少2个小时。
- Before drinking , must decap ahead of time and place sobers up to sober up at least 2 hour .