- 醉酒就是一则合法的辩护理由。
- Being drunk is a valid defence .
- 开车时发短信是一种新的醉酒驾车。
- Texting while driving is the new drunk driving .
- 布什总统认为华尔街喝醉了。
- President bush says wall st got drunk .
- 萨博得被指控醉酒驾车,但至少警察能确定他的大概位置了。
- Sabold was arrested for driving while intoxicated , but at least police were able to ascertain his whereabouts .
- 联系冯特对精神病问题的相关研究,kraepelin发现精神病患者产生的联想,与疲劳的或醉酒的被试是相似的。
- Applying wundt 's association experiments to psychiatric problems , kraepelin found that the associations made by psychotic patients were similar to those made by fatigued or intoxicated subjects .
- 如果喝同样多的酒,经常大量饮酒的人不会像刚开始饮酒的人那么容易醉,而且他们的bac往往较低,因为他们的肝脏会释放出更多的肝细胞色素p450iie1,这种特殊的能更快地分解酒精。
- People who drink heavily and regularly don 't get as intoxicated as novice drinkers do on the same amount of alcohol , and tend to have a lower bac because their livers eventually produce more of a particular enzyme ( cytochrome p450 iie1 ) that breaks down alcohol more quickly .
- 她的酒量真是不可小觑也,看起来是难以入醉啦。
- Her capacity for liquor is wonderful and she appears never to be tipsy .
- 他已经有几分醉意,别再灌他了。
- He is already a bit tipsy . Don 't make him drink any more .
- 他们说,喝醉了的员工虽然难以集中精力完成一项任务,但这种醉酒的状态能激发他们想出更多的有创意的点子。
- Tipsy employees , they say , find it hard to focus on a task , but this makes them more likely to come up with innovative ideas .
- 在水中毒的情况下,极端的低钠血状况最终会导致昏迷和死亡。
- In the case of water intoxication , hyponatremia extreme conditions can ultimately lead to coma and death .
- 二氧化碳中毒增加了全球变暖和海洋酸性计量破坏海洋生态系统的威胁。
- The intoxication adds to the threats that global warming and ocean acidification pose to marine ecosystems .
- 但是,饮水过量且过快,将有可能导致水中毒死亡。
- But if the water consumed too much and drink quickly will occur which can cause water intoxication death .
- 我的一个病人最终从昏迷的植物人状态醒过来,他是在一次醉酒后毫无缘由的斗殴中受伤的。
- One of my patients eventually emerged from the vegetative state he was in after a meaningless drunken fight .
- 她因酒后驾车而受到指控。
- She was charged with drunken driving .
- 难道说一个30岁的男子被醉酒司机撞成瘫痪,那也是他自己的责任吗?
- Is a thirty years old man responsible for being paralyzed as a result of an accident by a drunken driver ?