- 图11:倚靠了冰川为源头的河流,南极象海豹能生长发育成熟,就象图中这只公海豹这样。
- Photo 11 : lolling in a glacier-fed river , southern elephant seals can be mellow , like this bull .
- 滚石乐队粗硬铿锵的吉他即兴重复给我带来极大的震撼,它们与捷克音乐的圆润完全不同。
- I was hugely impressed by the rough , loud guitar riff , so unlike the mellow sound of czechoslovakian music .
- 他希望菌木能赋予现代乐器以温暖圆润的音质,如同安东尼奥斯特拉迪瓦里在17世纪后期及18世纪早期制作的琴一样。
- His hope is that it will endow modern instruments with the warm and mellow tones found in those made during the late 17th and early 18th centuries by antonio stradivari .
- 这是一种极好的概念,当然应该实施。
- This is a superb concept . It should certainly be done .
- 这个国家自夸拥有一流的外景地、世界级的影棚和技术人员,还有相对低廉的制作成本。
- The country boasts superb locations , world-class studios and technical crews , and relatively low costs .
- 美国的大学时极好的,吸引着全球最聪明的天才。
- Us universities are superb , attracting the best brains from around the world .