- 非法证据排除规则;酷刑;刑讯逼供。
- Exclusionary rule of evidence ; excruciation ; using torture to extract confession .
- 这既是对现代人生存异化的写照与反思,也是对自我内心世界的拷问与自省。
- This is not only portraiture and a reflection on alienation for existence of modern people , but also an excruciation and self-reflection of one 's inner world .
- 金教授并不看重这个残片作为一个传记文件的有效性,认为它可能是大约1世纪的希腊或耶稣受难后写成的,随后抄写成科普特语。
- Professor king downplays the fragment 's validity as a biographical document , saying that it was probably composed in greek a century or so after the crucifixion , then subsequently transcribed into coptic .
- 十字架也不是爱的表现。
- Crucifixion was not the loving response .
- 他被钉死在十字架上。
- He was executed by crucifixion .