- 少许的酵母就能使整个面团发酵。
- A little leaven corrupteth the whole lump .
- 他是在说,面酵是有能力的。
- He was saying that leaven has power .
- 发酵的用酵母或其它发酵剂使……轻而高。
- An agent that causes rising , fermentation , or ferment ; leaven .
- 它们的助消化酶发酵这些豆子并分解蛋白质。
- Their digestive enzymes ferment the beans and break down the proteins .
- netanyahu先生说这个地区几乎都是动乱的宿命。
- Mr netanyahu speaks almost fatalistically of the ferment in the region .
- 沃克尔关于金融动乱将带来危机的观点是正确的,但将其根除又非解决之道。
- Mr volcker is right that the ferment of finance carries risks . But pickling it is no answer .
- 它的酶可以将纤维素半纤维素分解为糖分子。
- Its enzymes decompose cellulose and hemicellulose into sugar monomers .
- 这之前所知的唯一一种酶是专门蛋白。
- Until then , the only known enzymes were specialized proteins .
- 他们设计酶的方法尤同进化论下生物体的演化方式一般。
- This designs enzymes in the way that normal evolution designs organisms .
- 我有一次看见你在发酵面包里面放菠菜沾酱。
- I saw you make a spinach dip in a loaf of sourdough bread once .
- 将其密封好,放入冰箱至少保存一个星期,之后,用酵母馅饼皮把它做成馅饼。
- Seal it and store in a refrigerator for at least a week before making it into pies with a sourdough pastry .
- 他接受一个可怜的拓荒者以地契做为支付手段。
- He accepts a land deed as payment from one poor sourdough .